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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Now i found someone who is learning the same as me...
Joyce baby! hahahaha!!!!

u r not alone cos u got me

learning becomes easier when u haf realli interesting instructors..
tink my instructor is getting from "bad to worse"
making me panic.. pretending my poles dropped...


but anywayz... not bad lar..
so far havent bang and knock poles down...
so hopefully it will be de same till test date...

test date is nearing..

Tmr gg Taiwan lo...!

6:33 PM
0 ..buzzes....
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Missed those good old times...

when i was much much younger (sigh.. 岁月催人老。。。)
i duno i wrote the chui above correctly anot whahaha...

LONG LONG LONG time ago...

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Jessica blackie muiz, Flora and Me.. =)

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me & ber wif our grp...
till this very day i still tink hes a great fren/pal to work with...
plus all his crap and stuff...

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@ Sentosa..
Missed all de fun playin beach volleyball then...

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@ my birthday chalet.. hehe..

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Movie outing wif people from #lovehurts...
now i realize all our movie outings always at PS eh...
but again now as time passes by..
everyone has their own commitments..
kinda hard for us to meet up le..i guess.....

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@ Ubin with Jeremy, CKM, Weiqiang.. Emi and Jessica Muiz..

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April, Me, Pris and Elaine ;D

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Ying, Me, Jess and BF :D

tink its time for me
to take out a few CDs and burn those pictures into CDs...
muz learn from Janson cos he managed to dig up a few of my really old pic
(e.g the very first pic in this entry ..)
and also this pic coming up...

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So old can.....
he juz send me like ytd..

11:35 PM
0 ..buzzes....
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Friday, June 15, 2007

So sianz to entertain somebody else..
juz for the sake of another fren....

tryin nt to sound bored..
but i tink i am..

weekend getaway!

11:47 AM
0 ..buzzes....
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
YanQin's Post-Bday celebration

Finally the exams are over...
made plans to meet up for clubbing after the exams...

hopped down to Dbl O...
8 girls.. in total..
and also some other grp tat are Ivy and her frens...

No one got drunk (dun ask me why my face is red im super sober)
and everyone had FUN!! (sorry i made Joey drink so many times cos of 5-10 =p )

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We sure had loads of fun..!!! ;D

Now its the Taiwan Trip tat im lookin forward to ..

10:57 PM
0 ..buzzes....
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Friday, June 08, 2007

Finally met up wif little gal after so long...
had dinner and watch Shrek3...

the movie aint too bad..quite funny
but if u r expecting someting wif a plot..then too bad
u shld relli go watch someting else...
its oredi stated there "Happily ever after..."
wad kinda plot do ppl expect when they say the movie aint nice at all...

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Bdae gal and her "sushi platter"

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picture we took together after the movie =)

12:45 AM
0 ..buzzes....
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Monday, June 04, 2007

Decided to pop down @ 3+ PM to give weili a surprise @ sch
since she was studying alone...

so we decided to make it appear as we dint 约好 to go down to sch
(anywayz decision to go down was at 1 plus close to 2)

realize she dint eat so PSA went to get some food..
(weili say she feelin over the moon cos she felt like shes the birthday gal having surprises haha)

Sch closed early at 5 tis time round
den we shifted over to the other sch...

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the food that the "gluttons" were eating before dinner.. ;p

PSA oso bought a piece of cake for CYQ...
as a post celebration for her..before the 9th oso where we will celebrate for her again

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look at tat tired face hehe...

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last but not least
presenting the GOLDFISHes

sigh they finishing their papers today le.
.sob sob jealous..

7:10 AM
0 ..buzzes....
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x Ah 9
x Alex Sashie
x Alvin Foo
x April Sha Darling
x Aristocrat QiuRong
x Catherine Dear
x Dayne
x Elaine meiz
x Elson
x Emily
x Floyd
x Geryl
x Grace
x Jacques
x Jean
x Jeff
x Jessica Muiz
x Joyce Baby
x Kit
x Kylie
x Linus
x Marilyn
x Michael
x Mingyeo
x Miss Yummi
x Ndee
x Pang Su An
x Priscilla
x Pearlyn
x Raymond
x Seph
x SongBoon
x Sylvia
x WangWee
x Weiliong
x xALmoN
x Xiaoyi
x Yanqin
x Yingzie
x ZhenQuan aka Kajuaz
x Link Here

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